The Antiques Diva Blog – Septembre 2016 


Have you ever heard the theory that ideas move through space and time— unrelated people catching creative waves at the same time? I had this moment of serendipity recently as I was packing for 2 months in Southeast Asia to set up our upcoming Antiques Diva Asia Antique Buying Tours when I heard a bing on my phone. I glanced at the messages and saw one from Galerie Vauclair – one of my favorite Parisian galleries. They were reaching out to tell me about a special exhibition from September 6 to October 6, 2016, called “From Exotic to Fantastic.” The exhibit named “Exotic” will be in their Paris showroom at 24 Rue de Beaune in the 7eme, and another exhibit called “Fantastic” will be at the Paris Flea Market Paul Bert-Serpette on Friday, September 16, 2016, for their Nocturne Shopping Event.

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